
we were talking
about the space between us all
and the people
who hide themselves behind a wall
of illusion
never glimpse the truth
then it's far too late
when they pass away

we were talking
about the love we all could share
when we find it
to try our best to hold it there
with our love, with our love
we could save the world, if they only knew

try to realize it's all within yourself
no one else can make you change
and to see you're really only very small
and life flows on within you and without you

we were talking
about the love that's gone so cold
and the people
who gain the world and lose their soul
they don't know
they can't see
are you one of them

when you've seen beyond yourself
then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there
and the time will come when you see we're all one
and life flows on within you and without you

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Herb's new riiiddddeee!!!!!!

working on my persona. The HERB: Behind the wheel of a Lamborghini with a Desert Eagle out my window. Yes, I've been playing too much GTA4.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Self Portrait... You're Entering a World of Pain.

This Portrait of myself was inspired by Walter Sobchak.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

New Pictures

You're entering a world of pain.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


*Note: I started typing this weeks ago and never got around to finishing it but I thought since I went through the trouble of starting it, I should at least post the progress I made, mo matter how little of the film's contents I covered. I promise my next movie review will be less drunk and more comprehensive. Not to mention entertaining and honest (sometimes harsh) just like how the Herb does all his business.

Alrighty folks do you now what time it is... ? It's movie review time with The Herb Krby, understand? This weekend's movie: Iron Man 2. Starring Robert Downy Jr., Mickey Rourke, Don Cheadle, Gweneth Paltrow, Scarlet Johansen, Samuel L. Jackson, Sam Rockwell... the list goes on. Fuck it, I don't feel like reviewing this right now, I'm too drunk and tired. I give it a 6 out of 10. hmmm actually I'm sick of it now 5 out of 10.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Legend of Staceytron -part 1

Earth in the distant future. This place was once filled with life. That life gave birth to new life. That life would feed off the meat and bones of other lives. And that life fed from other kinds of life as well. But this is Earth in the distant future. Things are quite different now. Things that were once fast have slowed to complete halt. The sun would often rise and shine over all the plentiful life that used to populate the planet. Now it seems the sun has nothing but plains of vast emptiness to shine down on. No life at all found on Earth in the distant future. What happened? Where did everything go? Lingering spirits are all that remain. Spirits live forever and only a fool could believe that humankind is without spirit. The human spirit... what does it represent?
Suddenly, something began to boil deep beneath the Earth's murky waters with bubbles conjuring up to the surface. On a beach, a figure became visible rising from the waves. How could this be? Life has not graced the land in ages... The figure appeared to be a young woman, however, being the only living being on the planet, what exactly is a woman without a man to make comparison? Her face was unlike that of any traditional human's face; it had no features. No lips, no nose, not even eyes... Being born from the deep abyss of the sea, what genetic features would such a face possess? The woman was disorientated from the long quest of traveling through ocean depths. She stumbled through the sand searching for some kind of shelter from the cold breeze that has embraced her soft flesh. She discovered some sort of rags subdued in the sand and wore them appropriately to cover her nude body. The woman looked around the vast plain of baron, lifeless land. There were huge symmetrical structures made of stone raising up through the ground. She past through them searching for any sign of life but found nothing. One of the structures she came across had a collection of strange scribes and information. What was this place? She investigated the nearest scribe filled with pages and upon touching it, could see all of it's contents. Of coarse she couldn't decipher any of the random symbols to make any sense of them but she thought that maybe if she went around and collected all of the scribes, she might figure out how to read the strange symbols.
For days she spent gathering the pages and "tele-reading" all of them. She learned that the scribes are known as "books" and that she had been reading them inside a "library." She also learned the English language and 36 other languages, fluently. After studying up on the books she realized that she couldn't be one of these humans because she felt no desire to eat or breathe. However, after getting a glimpse at humanity and the culture that used to inhabit the planet, the woman found it would be only appropriate to give herself an identity, a face like the rest of the humans she had read about and marveled over. Using only a blade she discovered and her bare hands, she carved herself her very own face to which she saw fit. She found a nearby mirror covered in dust and wiped it clean. She smiled, satisfied by her new image. While running her fingers through her hair, she noticed something else she hadn't seen before. It was a symbol on the back of her neck; a bar-code with a name under it. It read "STACEYTRON"


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Racism needs to die

So here I am roaming the internet, checking my favorite websites; particularly hentai sites (don't judge me.) And I came across a picture that made me rather upset. It was a pic of colonel Sander's with two black slaves in bondage on his left and right. The piece was called "Slavery is bad" but in the artist comment box the artist explained how the only thing that was meant to be ironic was the title because he thought slavery was one of America's best ideas. He continued to discuss how blacks are "disgusting sub-human mongoloids" and it made me appalled that there are humans amongst us who still enjoy keeping the ideals of racism and slavery alive. I'm not surprised. I think it's improper education and whatever culture raised him to give someone such false viewpoints. It made me think of one of my all time favorite video games; Manhunt for the Playstation 2. James Earl Cash forced to kill for an underground sick blackmarket of cut throat snuff videos. One of the missions was to navigate through gang territory of a group of racist redneck neanderthals called the "Skinz". Each gang member would spew repulsive racist references. Although they were a rather tough gang, I always had satisfaction executing each and every one of those motherfuckers. I remember that mission was one of the first to introduce the baseball bat, which you could use to crack a downed opponents skull open with or choke them and bat there head clean off. After every kill I made sure to bust open each one of their heads to make sure that their dumbass backwards logic was permanently sniffed out. The main antagonist, Starkweather, seemed to be pleased after I killed them too, he would always comment about how he hated those "Dumbass supremest bastards, always blaming others for their own inadequacies" and thank me for killing them. So please, if you are a racist prejudice dumbass redneck spewing back-asswards conservative notions like slavery or racial segregation, take a metal baseball bat and bash your fucking skull in until bits of your fucking retarded-logic brain matter is left soaking all over the pavement.

-this is The Herb saying goodnight, racism.