
we were talking
about the space between us all
and the people
who hide themselves behind a wall
of illusion
never glimpse the truth
then it's far too late
when they pass away

we were talking
about the love we all could share
when we find it
to try our best to hold it there
with our love, with our love
we could save the world, if they only knew

try to realize it's all within yourself
no one else can make you change
and to see you're really only very small
and life flows on within you and without you

we were talking
about the love that's gone so cold
and the people
who gain the world and lose their soul
they don't know
they can't see
are you one of them

when you've seen beyond yourself
then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there
and the time will come when you see we're all one
and life flows on within you and without you

Monday, December 6, 2010

Under The Influence

Here I am listening to Eminem, the tracks you usually skip because you don't like the sound of someone killing their (murdered) wife, with a head full of acid and a pipe full of weed. I'm just a hooligan who's used to using hallucinogens. So you can suck my dick if you don't like my shit, 'cause I was high when I wrote this so suck my dick. But I believe in the goodness of man; killing and exchanging gun fire is just all fun and games in this head. My words are like dagger with a jagged edge, it'll stab you in the head whether you a fag or lez or the homo-sex, hermaph, or a trans or vest? parent's address? Hate fags, the answer's yes. Homophobic? Nah, you just hetero-phobic. staring at my jeans watching my genitals bulging. That's my motherfucking balls, you better let go of 'em they belong in MY SCROTUM, YOU'LL NEVER GET A HOLD OF 'EM! Windows tinted on my ride when I drive in it so when I rob a bank, run out and just dive in it. So I be disguised in it. And if anybody identifies the guy in it, I hide for 5 minutes. Come back, shoot the eye witness, fire at the private eye, hide the pride in my business? Die bitches, bastards, brats, pets. This fuckin' puppy's lucky I didn't blast his ass yet. Just saying, I don't give a fuck right now because if I'm not an artist or a writer of some kind, I'll be a fucking rapist in a Jason mask.
I like to draw explicit adult material, but I also sharing my thoughts about human perversity, economic leadership, and governmental policies. All brought to you by a man influences by marijuana and lots of drugs. I call that man the "Herb" and that man is me. Some call marijuana a "gate-way" drug when in reality it's an eyeopener, a regular plant that happens to be caught in the wrong market at the wrong wrong time. A time when America has fucked itself over so hard, it's asking itself to repay it's own debts. An elite group of intelligent deviants has managed to infiltrate it's way into leading it's very own empire. No rules, no questions asked. These people are so clever they have convinced a massive amount of people, i.e. the American populace, to obey every word said on TV, news, and the radio. All "in the name of God." After all, in god we trust. You know what god is? I'm not talking about "the" God, the one they say is up there in the sky somewhere. I'm talking about the word "God" and the way people use it to control. Somehow, people reinforced laws that take away basic freedoms that humans should be allowed. I'm not trying to be sacrilegious and downgrade theism or any other creeds. I just think it's ridiculous how much a man named Jesus Christ is worshiped. Now I get it that a man who accomplishes a great deal of good and dies wrongfully should be remembered and praised for their good deeds but people believe this certain man could "walk on water" and "bring death back to life" now, we have a problem. I believe Jesus Christ was not a man, but rather a metaphor. The metaphor is for the sun. The sun shines on water at dawn, and brings life to plant life in the spring. The sun in the sky. Think about it, the word sun comes from son as in the son of god (the word god). Those are just old stories from 2000 years ago. The way I see it, in mid-evil times, people were told if you don't believe in god or the tales of Jesus Christ, you'll go to a terrible terrible place where you will be burned for eternity. This man is not so convinced. Life always comes to an end, who can really tell what happens to your mind, your memories, your "soul" after your body has come to an end. This man believes eternal life has everything to do with how you left your mark on this planet, Earth. If you were a good man, you will be praised and worshiped long after your death. If you are evil, people will remember the crimes you have committed. For some, they don't care for their sins they have committed during their mortal lives, but the evil that men do always lives on. Now more about god, I'm still talking about the word "god", I'll tell you when I'm talking about the real deal. I think of the word god like how George Carlin views God.
It's the greatest bull shit story ever told. We are humans here, people. I hope you are reading this because I'm talking about you people. YOU! I also hope you know the English language or aren't just passing through the internet searching for porn like I would be had it be any ordinary night. But tonight is not ordinary, is it? After all, St. Nick is supposed to leave you candy and shit tonight isn't he? Tonight you get to hear a word form this man who calls himself "herb." Well, on the internet anyways. Tonight the Herb, I'll stop talking in third person now, now now, tonight I have taken LSD and started blogging aimlessly for some kind of credit. I consider myself an agnostic. For all I know, aliens came here thousands or millions of years ago and implanted larger more intelligent brains in primates and have watched and research the way these primates acted, influenced, and have died under a number of given circumstances, i.e. natural selection, until we find ourselves in the predicament we are in today. The truth is out there. Everything you here of man preaching about this and that is just nonsense. Go you're own way, don't take any shit, and if you hear a celebrity trying to sell something to you, just ignore him. I'm getting a headache now, so good night. Maybe I'll discuss these matters later. Maybe I won't. Good night. Now, what do I think the world needs in our day and age? Love, it's all you need.
