
we were talking
about the space between us all
and the people
who hide themselves behind a wall
of illusion
never glimpse the truth
then it's far too late
when they pass away

we were talking
about the love we all could share
when we find it
to try our best to hold it there
with our love, with our love
we could save the world, if they only knew

try to realize it's all within yourself
no one else can make you change
and to see you're really only very small
and life flows on within you and without you

we were talking
about the love that's gone so cold
and the people
who gain the world and lose their soul
they don't know
they can't see
are you one of them

when you've seen beyond yourself
then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there
and the time will come when you see we're all one
and life flows on within you and without you

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Looking for someone or something to show me the way

I've been thinking about doing a comic panel about my persona, The Herb. Here are a few more shots of my car and other herb related things.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pinch me, I must be dreaming... INCEPTION REVIEW

Ever have a dream within a dream? Me neither, but I hear they're pretty cool if you remember them, granted there aren't extractors lurking around your brain stealing your ideas and planting new ones while you sleep. Inception has been expected to be Christopher Nolan's next acclaimed "masterpiece." And it is quite a masterpiece for Nolan. Since The Dark Knight, Nolan has been hyped up to be the next MOVIE KING in Hollywood by today's movie watchers. But I'm not just some ordinary movie watcher, I'm the HERB; and I have my own way of analyzing movies.
Inception is based around the idea that a mysterious machine first created by the military some time ago can link people's dreams together while the sleep. While in these "Shared Dreams," people are able to construct huge cities and walk through them with other people and the other people's "Subconscious projections" who act as white blood cells fighting an infection only in the dream, the infection is you.
The characters in the film are very solid and pretty well drawn out. I found that Leo Decap's role in this film (Mr. Cobb) wasn't far from his character in his last movie, Shutter Island by Martin S. In both films, Leo Decap's character has a secret guilt and regret that you don't entirely know until the end of the film when he has overcome it. But this movie had more to do with dreams instead of sanity like Shutter Island which I also enjoyed. However after you see this movie you might think your going insane... or still sleeping...
Ellen Page in the film seemed to pick up on the whole shared dreaming experience a bit too quickly, I mean I've heard of someone being a natural at something but she could at least act like she was surprised at the concept of being able to share a dream with someone else. She always seems to try to one up Mr. Cobb (Leo Decap) in the dream like she's been doing it for years even though she just started. All of a sudden she can make huge mazes and shit with like a week's practice. I just thought she did a bad job acting like a learner to dreaming and too much of an attitude driven bitch to Mr. Cobb (Leo Decap.)
I guess I'll discuss the things I did not care for in the film. Personally, I'm not one for cheap thrills like explosive gun fights or over exaggerated hand to hand combat unless it is dealt with correctly in an interesting way. Not to say that this movie had doll action scenes but I suppose my biggest beef with the movie is the amount of shoot outs vs. the cool trippy dream material. I just thought the film could have had done more with the whole dream concept and experience instead of having filler fight and shoot-out scenes to keep the regular movie viewer thrilled. I'm not a regular movie viewer and if I were doing the screen play I would have made more dream physics to be played with throughout the movie like in the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which in my opinion has the best vision when it comes to trying to recreate a dream in film adaptation.
That being said, the trippy dream shit that they did have was pretty fuckin' cool. I don't want to give anything away but I they do something in this film that I have never seen a film do before using dream physics. My bottom line is set:

I give Inception by Christopher Nolen a 7 out of 10.

Thank you, this is The Herb Kerby bringing you movie reviews through a different set of eyes.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

A taste of things to come...

Alright, so if anyone follows me on my other websites, you'll know that I've been on a European vacation and I've got a quite a lot of stories I've been gathering and preparing to blog about. However I've been home for one week now and still I haven't constructed one story, scrap, or sketch. I still haven't finished my STACEYTRON part 2 story I wanted to finish before the trip. The truth is, I've been working my ass off at my job trying to pay back all these debts, late bills, and other financial bull shits. That and I've been extremely lazy outside of work so I've just been doing the usual porn downloading and fapping. My fans out there (if I have any) might be waiting for some kind of exciting new artwork or tale but I seem to be at mental block, the same mental block I wanted to overcome by going on this trip. I even stopped smoking weed in an attempt to overcome my laziness and save extra cash; my name's "The Herb!" What to do? I could really use a fan base or something to help keep me motivated. A partner in crime perhaps. Someone who digs what I'm saying but the only way to reach out to those fans is to create more work to get recognized. On top of managing the DA Bouncy Babes group, and talking with other artists out there, I have to get a second source of income to pay bills. Maybe I should consider getting hooked on coke, at least then I'll have some motivation to get more money. To buy more coke! No but seriously I've never tried coke... yet! XD

If anyone cares, this isn't a cry for help but rather an update of how I've been progressing in the online community and how I feel towards getting off my lazy ass to find more jobs, more work, something to keep me occupied that I don't mind doing. Maybe meeting new people both online and in the real world.
