
we were talking
about the space between us all
and the people
who hide themselves behind a wall
of illusion
never glimpse the truth
then it's far too late
when they pass away

we were talking
about the love we all could share
when we find it
to try our best to hold it there
with our love, with our love
we could save the world, if they only knew

try to realize it's all within yourself
no one else can make you change
and to see you're really only very small
and life flows on within you and without you

we were talking
about the love that's gone so cold
and the people
who gain the world and lose their soul
they don't know
they can't see
are you one of them

when you've seen beyond yourself
then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there
and the time will come when you see we're all one
and life flows on within you and without you

Monday, January 30, 2012

Walking in the Air / Night Wish

We're walking in the air. We're floating in the moonlit sky. The people far below are sleeping as we fly.

Hello again ladies and gents, it's about that time when I write about the new, the now, and the why. First of all I highly encourage people to discover the power of reading, specifically a book that has grown to be a new source of inspiration for me called The Museum of Lost Wonder by Jeff Hoke (check out the website at http://www.lostwonder.org/). My father gave me this book as a Christmas present and now you too can become inspired, shocked, and even get lost in this wonderful book filled with interesting facts and hand-drawn illustrations walking you through a fictitious metaphorical museum known as The Museum of Lost Wonder. There are eight or so exhibits that start with the known theories of how the universe began and why it is the way it is now. Each chapter takes you deeper into the book with an apparent theme behind each chapter/room in the museum, you can get a look at the history of museums and their importance over time. Finally the book deals with yourself in this world and where you can take yourself in a new philosophical direction for others to observe and reflect upon. I encourage anyone with an open mind to check this book out!

That being said, I have been disciplining myself both mentally and physically over the past month to rid myself of any sluggish, corrupted habits I have that sit along the edge of my subconscious and suck the life out of me when I'm stressed or fatigued. This is why I have taken up kickboxing at a very intense martial arts gym/dojo. I used to be in Karate a long time ago and since then I have been smoking herb and living a pretty lazy lifestyle which has caused some flab to accumulate over my midsection for the past few years. Well not anymore, after 6 months of kickboxing training I predict my body will be rather toned, more alert and energetic then I am now. I feel in order to attain mental clarity and peace of mind, it must start with the body. After the body has been exhausted of the excess body fat and cancers, the muscle begins forming and it will be easy to exercise my brain, the most important muscle. Body, mind, and lastly, the spirit. These are the steps I am beginning to follow to transform this human vessel into a righteous disciplined man, no loner afraid or hesitant to take action in my own personal life. For now I'm still a boy trying to be a man. In order to become a man, the boy must die.

I bet that sounded rather strange or inconsistent like it was written by a boy who talks the talk and does not walk the walk. That's ok, these are just personal goals of mine I felt needed to be expressed one way or another. Moving on to recent events in my life, I feel I must record the overwhelming sensation of joy I had recently encountered at club called Envi. This wasn't your ordinary kind of bar, the place was a high class sophisticated club filled with bright lights, interesting artwork, unique architecture and three floors of V.I.P. to wrap your head around. Exclusively high status. I came in there with causal dress shoes, black pants and salmon/pink collared shirt looking dapper and more stylish then I usually would on a Friday night. You couldn't get into the club wearing sneakers or hats and your attire better have class, swag was in full effect. I mean I almost was ODing on the swag upon my entry. I made it to the bathroom, did my business and tried to loosen up so I can interact with these fine ladies and gentlemen. Finally I calmed down and remembered my purpose for being there in the first place was to help out my cousin and DJ friend set up for the night's musical entertainment. I began to get my drink on, first a gin and tonic and from then on, Corona after corona as they went down like some kind of $5 lemon lime candy. With the equipment set up and the music on blast we were all set to go but no one was dancing! Eventually I took it upon myself stir up the dance floor after a few beers down. The climax of the evening was when I surprised even myself with dance moves I never knew I had. After a round of dancing, I set the standard for the dance floor and stopped for a breather. I felt like I had for that night only stepped into a new and improved world. I left my old self in the car and danced among the wealthy stars and interacted with dragons! "Tonight I am high status!" I kept thinking and for a moment I thought "This is the life!" A place $5 is no longer 5 McDoubles on the dollar menu, but 50 cents for a lemon lime candy (Corona). What do I mean? Well I'm trying to get at where outside my old self might find $5 to have true value for food or whatever else but here $5 ain't shit. That's the kind of feeling I had where the struggle for scraping by for food and water had no meaning but now I can rest and do some quality high class relaxing where other high class people were also enjoying fine living. I guess you could say I was envious of the lifestyle some of these people had even if they're not actually rich, famous, or dragons. Tonight they all were celebrities and so was I. Also would like to comment on the staff being very helpful and stylish. Girls were cute, guys were dapper. Everyone was just filled with character. After I left the club, I brought with me a new feeling, a new memory which stuck with me even through the following work days until now when I spilled it all over the keyboard in this blog which I hope you are, whoever you are, found amusing and motivational to some extent. Now here's some goofy pictures I would like to include to provide further amusement and provoke thought.

Also check out my new Tumblr at Grand Theft Awesome

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